Authored by: Annette Marchant
“There are always two sides to the story.”
Who made the first move? Who said I love you first? These stories are remembered differently from different angles and perspectives. What you were thinking at the time is likely very different from what your partner was thinking.
You likely have that back and forth in the telling of your story too; an example of this popping into your head as you read this—making you smile or laugh.
Seeing and remembering things differently from each other doesn’t divide you, it pulls you closer, making the memory fun, remembering the spark—the reason you fell in love.
And that is why you’re getting married!

Calgary is such a diverse city—extreme weather changes (all in one day), small-town feeling neighbourhoods, a vibrant core, the greatest outdoor show on earth, 120 languages spoken, and a love of volunteerism!
Getting “hitched” in Calgary can be just as varied as our weather, but we do have a lot of days of sunshine—300+ every year! So if you plan to marry at the Bow Valley Ranche, your neighbourhood community center, the Devonian Gardens, or outdoors—we’ve got you covered!
Enduring Promises is all about helping you tie the knot! We are the Wedding Officiants you’ve been looking for. We’ve won our own “belt-buckles” (awards) as Officiants, and a stress-free wedding day is our goal for you.
We care about your wedding day and come alongside (your personal rodeo clown—jk) to help create a one-of-a-kind, just for you, memorable ceremony. And with our Wedding Console, that’s totally achievable.
It’s about celebrating the love you share, the commitment you are making, and the life you are creating as a couple. Marriage is a journey—a mountain hike—totally worth the effort once you reach the vista.
We’ll help you create a custom ceremony that fits you, complimenting the tone and style of your day. It’s your wedding, so tell us your story, share your vision and we’ll help you accomplish it, after all, we’re Calgarians ourselves—we love a good play-off challenge!
Let’s schedule a time to connect for a complimentary, no-obligation consultation at your convenience, online or in-person by contacting us today. Enduring Promises is a trusted team of experienced and highly trained wedding Officiants.
We are committed to assisting you in creating a wedding ceremony that incorporates your beliefs and values, celebrates you as a couple, and is a reflection of your personalities.
As the sun sets behind the mountains, and your wedding day comes to an end, you’ll carry those memories for a lifetime. The laughter, stories, and events of the day (even if remembered differently from each other), will be cherished because your love was shared and celebrated.
Enduring Promises = Hitched. Yahoo!

About the Author: Annette Marchant
Annette Marchant is a copywriter and homebody from Calgary. She writes—and is a happy contributor to this blog. Her love of words is fueled by black tea and a great set of headphones. Her home is filled with boys and one of them is an Officiant with Enduring Promises.